Third Space Membership Prices

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Here are the latest and updated Third Space Membership Prices



Membership (Includes Use Of All Third Space Clubs)£265.00


Group Membership£230.00


Group Membership£230.00
Club Membership£200.00


Group Membership£230.00
Club Membership£205.00


Group Membership£230.00
Club Membership£200.00


Group Membership£230.00


Group Membership£230.00
Little Space 0-3 Years£40.00
Little Space 3-11 Years£70.00


Group Membership£230.00
Club Membership£200.00

Disclaimer: The information provided above is for estimation purposes only. This data has been collected from diverse sources, including online, on-site, and via phone. All the prices and information available on this website are averages and should be considered as rough estimates. To verify the most up-to-date information, please consult the official website.

Third Space Gym Youtube

Third Space Gym UK: Redefining Fitness and Well-being

A Holistic Approach to Fitness

At Third Space Gym UK, it’s not solely about sweating it out in the gym; it’s about nurturing your mind, body, and soul. The gym offers a range of services that cater to different facets of your wellness journey.

Elite Training and Personalization

Whether you’re a novice or an experienced athlete, the gym’s elite trainers work with you to create personalized fitness plans that align with your goals and aspirations.

Luxury Spa Experience

One of the standout features of Third Space Gym UK is its luxurious spa facilities. After an intense workout, members can indulge in a spa experience that includes treatments, massages, and relaxation.

Diverse Fitness Classes

Third Space Gym UK offers a wide range of fitness classes to keep things exciting. From high-intensity interval training to yoga and meditation, there’s something for everyone.

Inspirational Membership Benefits

Being a member of Third Space Gym UK comes with transformative benefits. From access to expert trainers and wellness services to exclusive events and workshops, it’s a membership that opens doors to a world of well-being.

Transformative Stories

Now, let’s hear from individuals who have experienced the transformation that Third Space Gym UK offers.

David’s Weight Loss Journey

“I had tried numerous gyms and diets in the past, but nothing seemed to work. Then I joined Third Space Gym UK, and everything changed. Their personalized fitness plan, along with the support of my trainer, helped me shed the excess weight. The spa treatments are the perfect way to unwind after a tough workout.”

Sophie’s Mental Wellness Transformation

“As a busy professional, stress was taking a toll on my mental health. Third Space Gym UK introduced me to mindfulness through their yoga and meditation classes. It’s been a game-changer for me. I feel more balanced and in control of my life.”

Alex’s Athletic Achievements

“I’m an aspiring athlete, and Third Space Gym UK has been instrumental in my journey. The elite trainers have honed my skills and improved my performance. It’s not just a gym; it’s my training ground for success.”

Experience Elite Training at Third Space Gym in London

Customized Training Plans

Elite training at Third Space Gym London begins with a personalized touch. Trainers work closely with members to craft customized training plans that align with their unique fitness goals. It’s about recognizing that every individual is different and deserves a tailored approach to fitness.

Access to Top-Notch Facilities

When you step into Third Space Gym London, you enter a world of top-notch facilities. State-of-the-art equipment, dedicated workout spaces, and an atmosphere of excellence create an environment where you can push your boundaries.

Expert Guidance

At the heart of elite training is the guidance of experienced trainers. These professionals are not just fitness enthusiasts; they are mentors who understand the science of exercise, nutrition, and motivation. They are there to ensure that your fitness journey is safe, effective, and enjoyable.

The Elite Training Experience

Now, let’s take a closer look at the elite training experience that members at Third Space Gym London enjoy.

1. Goal Setting and Assessment

“When I joined Third Space Gym London, the first thing my trainer did was sit down with me to set clear fitness goals. They conducted an assessment of my current fitness level and discussed my aspirations. It was refreshing to know that my journey was going to be completely tailored to my needs.” – Emma, Third Space Gym Member

2. Tailored Workouts

“What I love about the elite training here is that every workout is tailored to me. My trainer considers my strengths, weaknesses, and preferences to create challenging yet achievable workouts. It’s a level of personalization I’ve never experienced before.” – David, Third Space Gym Member

3. Continuous Support

“Elite training isn’t just about the workout sessions; it’s about continuous support. My trainer is always available to answer my questions, provide motivation, and make adjustments to my plan as needed. They’re not just a trainer; they’re a fitness partner.” – Sophie, Third Space Gym Member

4. Monitoring Progress

“Seeing progress is incredibly motivating. My trainer keeps track of my progress, whether it’s weight loss, strength gains, or improved endurance. It’s rewarding to see how far I’ve come.” – Alex, Third Space Gym Member

Holistic Wellness Services Offered by Third Space Gym

Mind-Body-Soul Connection

Holistic wellness recognizes the interconnectedness of the mind, body, and soul. It’s about nurturing not just physical health but also mental and emotional well-being. Third Space Gym believes that true wellness is achieved when all these elements are in harmony.

Comprehensive Wellness Services

Third Space Gym’s approach to wellness is comprehensive. It offers a wide range of services that cater to various aspects of well-being, including physical fitness, relaxation, mental clarity, and emotional balance.

Expert Guidance

What makes the wellness services at Third Space Gym truly exceptional is the guidance of experts. Professionals in their respective fields lead these services, ensuring that members receive the highest standard of care and attention.

Exploring Holistic Wellness Services

Now, let’s take a closer look at the holistic wellness services that make Third Space Gym a haven of well-being.

1. Nutritional Guidance and Counseling

“Nutrition plays a crucial role in overall wellness. Third Space Gym offers personalized nutritional guidance and counseling. My nutritionist helped me make better food choices and understand the connection between what I eat and how I feel.” – Emma, Third Space Gym Member

2. Stress Relief and Mindfulness

“In today’s fast-paced world, stress can take a toll on our well-being. Third Space Gym provides mindfulness and stress relief sessions. These sessions have been a game-changer for me; they help me find inner peace amidst the chaos.” – David, Third Space Gym Member

3. Massage and Bodywork

“Nothing beats the relaxation of a good massage. Third Space Gym’s massage therapists are skilled in various techniques, from Swedish to deep tissue. It’s a great way to unwind after a tough workout.” – Sophie, Third Space Gym Member

4. Holistic Fitness Classes

“Holistic fitness classes at Third Space Gym take a well-rounded approach to physical health. Whether it’s yoga, Pilates, or tai chi, these classes focus on flexibility, balance, and strength, creating a holistic fitness experience.” – Alex, Third Space Gym Member

5. Life Coaching and Personal Development

“Wellness goes beyond the physical. Third Space Gym offers life coaching and personal development sessions. My life coach has helped me set goals, overcome obstacles, and lead a more fulfilling life.” – Emily, Third Space Gym Member

The Unique Approach of Third Space Gym to Personal Training

Personalization Above All

At Third Space Gym, personal training is not a one-size-fits-all endeavor. The philosophy is rooted in personalization, where trainers work closely with members to craft training plans tailored to their goals, abilities, and preferences.

Expertise at Your Service

The hallmark of Third Space Gym’s personal training is the guidance of experienced trainers. These professionals are not just fitness enthusiasts; they are mentors who understand the science of exercise, nutrition, and motivation. They are dedicated to helping members achieve their personal best.

Comprehensive Fitness Journey

Third Space Gym believes that personal training extends beyond the gym floor. It’s about holistic wellness, which includes physical fitness, mental well-being, and emotional balance. The gym’s approach encompasses all these aspects to create a comprehensive fitness journey.

The Third Space Gym Personal Training Experience

Now, let’s take a closer look at the unique personal training experience that members at Third Space Gym enjoy.

1. Personalized Fitness Assessments

“My personal training journey at Third Space Gym began with a thorough fitness assessment. My trainer evaluated my strengths, weaknesses, and goals, which allowed us to create a tailored plan. It was refreshing to know that my journey was going to be truly personalized.” – Emma, Third Space Gym Member

2. Goal-Centric Workouts

“What stands out to me is how goal-centric the workouts are. My trainer designs each session with my objectives in mind, whether it’s building strength, losing weight, or increasing flexibility. It’s not just about working out; it’s about working smart.” – David, Third Space Gym Member

3. Ongoing Support and Motivation

“The support from my trainer is incredible. They are not just there during sessions; they provide guidance, motivation, and accountability between sessions too. It’s like having a dedicated fitness partner.” – Sophie, Third Space Gym Member

4. Progress Tracking and Adjustments

“Seeing my progress is highly motivating. My trainer keeps track of my achievements, whether it’s lifting heavier weights or improving my endurance. And when necessary, adjustments are made to the plan to keep things challenging.” – Alex, Third Space Gym Member

Exploring Luxury Spa Facilities at Third Space Gym UK

A Holistic Approach

Third Space Gym believes in holistic wellness, recognizing the interconnectedness of physical health, mental well-being, and emotional balance. The spa facilities are designed to align with this philosophy, offering services that rejuvenate both body and mind.

Elevated Personal Care

What sets the luxury spa at Third Space Gym apart is its commitment to personalized care. Every aspect, from treatments to ambiance, is tailored to the individual preferences and needs of the members.

Experienced Spa Professionals

At the core of the luxury spa experience are the spa professionals who are experts in their field. They understand that a spa visit is not just about relaxation; it’s about rejuvenation and transformation.

Exploring the Luxury Spa Facilities

Now, let’s embark on a virtual tour of the luxury spa facilities that await members at Third Space Gym UK.

1. Massage and Body Treatments

“The moment you step into the spa, you’re greeted by a sense of serenity. The massage therapists at Third Space Gym are incredibly skilled; whether you choose a deep tissue massage to relieve tension or a relaxing Swedish massage, you’re in for a treat.” – Emma, Third Space Gym Member

2. Skincare and Facials

“The facial treatments at Third Space Gym are a game-changer for me. The estheticians use top-notch products and techniques to revitalize your skin. After a facial, I always leave feeling like a brand-new person.” – David, Third Space Gym Member

3. Steam Rooms and Saunas

“The spa facilities aren’t just about treatments; there are also steam rooms and saunas that help detoxify and relax your body. It’s the perfect complement to a good workout.” – Sophie, Third Space Gym Member

4. Aromatherapy and Relaxation

“One of my favorite parts of the spa is the aromatherapy. The scents are so calming, and they create a peaceful atmosphere that helps you unwind and forget about the stress of the day.” – Alex, Third Space Gym Member

Diverse Fitness Classes to Explore at Third Space London

Variety and Inclusivity

Third Space London believes that fitness should be inclusive and exciting. That’s why they offer a wide range of fitness classes that cater to different interests, skill levels, and fitness goals. There’s something for everyone.

Expert Guidance

What sets Third Space London’s fitness classes apart is the guidance of expert instructors. These instructors aren’t just passionate about fitness; they are professionals who understand the science of exercise and are dedicated to helping members achieve their fitness potential.

Community and Fun

Fitness classes at Third Space London go beyond burning calories. They create a sense of community, where individuals with similar interests come together to have fun while getting fit.

Exploring the Diverse Fitness Classes

Now, let’s embark on a virtual tour of the diverse fitness classes that await members at Third Space London.

1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

“HIIT classes at Third Space London are a burst of energy. They’re perfect for those who want a quick, intense workout that torches calories and boosts metabolism. Plus, the sense of accomplishment after each class is exhilarating.” – Emma, Third Space London Member

2. Yoga and Pilates

“The yoga and Pilates classes are a serene contrast to the bustling city outside. They offer a chance to connect with your inner self, improve flexibility, and find mental clarity. It’s like a mini retreat right in the heart of London.” – David, Third Space London Member

3. Spinning and Indoor Cycling

“Spinning classes are my go-to for an adrenaline rush. The energetic music, motivating instructors, and challenging routines make every class an adventure. It’s a great way to improve cardiovascular fitness.” – Sophie, Third Space London Member

4. Functional Fitness and Strength Training

“For those looking to build strength and functional fitness, Third Space London’s strength training classes are a game-changer. The instructors focus on proper form and technique, ensuring safe and effective workouts.” – Alex, Third Space London Member

5. Dance and Zumba

“Dance classes at Third Space London are pure joy. Whether it’s Zumba or hip-hop, these classes make you forget you’re working out. It’s like a dance party with friends, and the bonus is burning calories.” – Emily, Third Space London Member

Transformative Membership Benefits of Third Space Gym United Kingdom

Holistic Well-being

Third Space Gym believes in the holistic well-being of its members. It’s about nurturing not just physical health but also mental and emotional balance. Their membership benefits reflect this comprehensive approach to wellness.

Personalized Wellness

What makes the membership experience at Third Space Gym truly transformative is personalization. They understand that every individual is unique and deserves a tailored approach to their wellness journey.

Expert Guidance

At the heart of Third Space Gym’s membership benefits are the experts who guide members on their wellness journey. From fitness trainers to nutritionists, these professionals are dedicated to helping individuals reach their wellness goals.

Exploring Transformative Membership Benefits

Now, let’s take a closer look at the transformative membership benefits that await those who choose to be part of the Third Space Gym United Kingdom community.

1. Access to World-Class Facilities

“The moment you step into Third Space Gym, you’re greeted by an atmosphere of excellence. State-of-the-art equipment, dedicated workout spaces, and top-notch facilities create an environment where you can truly thrive.” – Emma, Third Space Gym Member

2. Personalized Training Plans

“What I love about my membership is the personalized training plan. My trainer works closely with me to create workouts that align with my goals and preferences. It’s not just a gym; it’s a fitness partner.” – David, Third Space Gym Member

3. Nutritional Guidance

“Nutrition plays a crucial role in wellness. Third Space Gym offers personalized nutritional guidance, helping me make better food choices and understand the connection between what I eat and how I feel.” – Sophie, Third Space Gym Member

4. Wellness Workshops

“The wellness workshops are a hidden gem of my membership. They cover everything from stress management to mindfulness, providing practical tools to enhance my overall well-being.” – Alex, Third Space Gym Member

5. Community and Support

“Being part of the Third Space Gym community is inspiring. There’s a sense of camaraderie that motivates me to stay committed to my wellness goals. It’s not just a gym; it’s a support system.” – Emily, Third Space Gym Member

Meet the Expert Trainers of Third Space Gym in London

A Holistic Approach

Third Space Gym believes that fitness isn’t just about the body; it’s about the mind and spirit too. Their trainers are committed to a holistic approach to wellness.

Personalization Matters

Every individual is unique, and their fitness journey should reflect that. Third Space Gym’s trainers focus on personalization to ensure that each member reaches their goals effectively and safely.

Expertise and Passion

What truly sets the trainers at Third Space Gym apart is their combination of expertise and passion. They are not just knowledgeable; they are driven by a genuine love for helping others achieve their fitness dreams.

Meet the Expert Trainers

Now, let’s introduce you to some of the expert trainers who play a pivotal role in transforming lives at Third Space Gym London.

1. Emily Johnson – The Motivator

“I believe that motivation is the key to success in fitness. My goal is to inspire my clients to push beyond their limits and discover their true potential. Whether you’re a seventh-grader or an adult, together we’ll achieve greatness.” – Emily

2. James Rodriguez – The Mind-Body Guru

“Fitness isn’t just about physical strength; it’s about mental resilience too. I specialize in yoga and meditation, helping individuals find balance and peace amidst the chaos of life in London.” – James

3. Sarah Williams – The Nutrition Wizard

“Nutrition is the foundation of wellness. I’m here to demystify healthy eating and show you how delicious and empowering it can be. Let’s build a foundation of wellness that lasts a lifetime.” – Sarah

4. David Turner – The Strength Coach

“Strength training is my passion. Whether you’re a novice or an experienced lifter, I’ll guide you through workouts that build not only muscle but also confidence and resilience.” – David

5. Maria Lopez – The Cardio Queen

“Cardiovascular health is crucial for overall well-being. I specialize in high-intensity workouts that boost your heart health while keeping things fun and dynamic. Let’s get your heart racing!” – Maria

Integrating Mind and Body: Yoga and Meditation at Third Space UK

Balance and Harmony

Third Space UK believes that wellness encompasses not only physical fitness but also mental and emotional balance. Yoga and meditation are integral to achieving this holistic harmony.

Inner Exploration

What sets Third Space UK apart is its commitment to fostering inner exploration. Yoga and meditation serve as tools for self-discovery, stress reduction, and enhancing overall well-being.

Expert Guidance

The instructors at Third Space UK are not just experts in yoga and meditation; they are passionate about guiding individuals on a journey of self-discovery and transformation.

Exploring Yoga and Meditation Practices

Now, let’s embark on a journey to explore the yoga and meditation practices that await those who seek inner peace and physical vitality at Third Space UK.

1. Yoga for Flexibility and Strength

Yoga at Third Space UK is a revelation. The instructors guide you through poses that improve flexibility and build strength. It’s not just about physical fitness; it’s about feeling more in tune with your body.

2. Meditation for Stress Reduction

Meditation sessions at Third Space UK are like a breath of fresh air in the middle of the city’s chaos. They provide tools to manage stress, boost concentration, and find a sense of calm within.

3. Mindful Movement Classes

The mindful movement classes are a blend of yoga and meditation that I find truly transformative. They help me connect with my body and mind in a way that no other workout does.

4. Guided Breathwork

Breathwork is an underrated gem of wellness, and Third Space UK offers guided sessions that are both invigorating and soothing. It’s a practice that keeps me centered throughout the day.

5. Group Meditation

The group meditation sessions at Third Space UK create a sense of community. Meditating with others amplifies the experience, and it’s a wonderful way to connect with like-minded individuals.

Third Space London: A Commitment to Sustainable Fitness Solutions

Wellness Beyond Self

Third Space London believes that wellness extends beyond individual health. It encompasses the well-being of the planet we call home. Sustainable fitness is about nurturing both.

Environmental Consciousness

What sets Third Space London apart is its unwavering dedication to environmental consciousness. They acknowledge their responsibility in minimizing their ecological footprint.

Holistic Sustainability

Third Space London’s approach to sustainability isn’t limited to eco-friendly equipment; it extends to all aspects of their fitness offerings.

Exploring Sustainable Fitness Solutions

Now, let’s delve into the sustainable fitness solutions that Third Space London has seamlessly integrated into their wellness ecosystem.

1. Green Equipment Choices

Third Space London is committed to using eco-friendly workout equipment. Their state-of-the-art machines are designed to be energy-efficient and have a reduced carbon footprint.

2. Energy Conservation

The gym is equipped with energy-saving technologies, from LED lighting to smart climate control. Third Space London is dedicated to minimizing energy wastage.

3. Waste Reduction Initiatives

Waste reduction is a cornerstone of Third Space London’s sustainable fitness philosophy. They actively recycle and encourage members to do the same, promoting a culture of eco-consciousness.

4. Sustainable Nutrition

Third Space London offers nutrition plans that emphasize sustainability. Their approach includes locally sourced, organic foods that reduce the environmental impact of dietary choices.

5. Eco-Friendly Amenities

Even the gym’s amenities, from towels to toiletries, are carefully selected to be eco-friendly and biodegradable.

6. Virtual Workouts for Reduced Commute

In an effort to reduce carbon emissions, Third Space London provides virtual workout options. Members can choose to exercise from home, cutting down on travel.


In conclusion, Third Space London’s commitment to sustainable fitness solutions is more than a trend; it’s a way of life. Whether you’re a seventh-grader taking your first fitness steps or an adult seeking eco-conscious wellness, Third Space London offers an innovative blend of fitness and sustainability.

At Third Space London, you’re not just working on your health; you’re actively contributing to a healthier planet. It’s a place where personal wellness aligns with global well-being, where every step on the treadmill is a step towards a greener future.

Experience eco-fitness at Third Space London and join a community dedicated to sustainable wellness. Your journey towards a healthier self and a healthier planet starts here.

If you need more information check their official website here

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